The Lasting Positive Impact of Donor Advised Funds

The Lasting Impact of Donor Advised Funds: The Stolee Family Story

Philanthropy, at its heart, is about more than just giving—it’s about creating lasting change that reflects personal values and passions. For Barb and Joe Stolee, their philanthropic journey through a Donor Advised Fund (DAF) was driven by a deep sense of gratitude for the blessings they’ve received. They wanted to give back to the community that has been part of their lives. Through Charitus, the Stolees have found a way to not only give but to ensure their contributions create meaningful and long-term impact.

In 2022, the Stolees established the Joe and Barb Stolee Family Fund by making a lump-sum donation to Charitus. Their vision was simple yet profound: each year, one-tenth of the fund’s principal, plus any income generated through investments, would be distributed to church-related charities. The couple provided Charitus with a list of their favorite organizations to ensure their contributions would go where they are most needed.

The fund is designed to last for at least ten years, but it may continue longer if other family members choose to contribute in the future. This flexibility underscores one of the most compelling aspects of Donor Advised Funds—the ability to adapt and grow over time, creating a legacy that extends far beyond the initial donation.

Creating a Legacy That Reflects Values

Barb and Joe’s approach to philanthropy is deeply rooted in their personal values. Though they describe themselves as having humble Norwegian roots and don’t consider themselves wealthy by Canadian standards, they realized in their retirement that they had more than they needed. This led them to consider how they could share their resources with the organizations that have had a meaningful impact on their lives.

“We’ve been blessed,” Barb explains. “We have more than adequate resources. It feels right to give back, and it brings us joy to support causes we care about.”

How Donor Advised Funds Empower Donors

For donors like Barb and Joe, Donor Advised Funds offer an accessible and powerful way to make a lasting impact. Unlike traditional forms of charitable giving, DAFs allow donors to remain actively involved in advising how their funds are distributed, ensuring their contributions are aligned with their evolving values and priorities. The Stolees, for example, chose to distribute their fund’s assets over ten years to provide timely support to organizations they know need resources now.

One of the key benefits of DAFs is their flexibility. Over time, the Stolees’ fund may continue to grow, particularly if other family members choose to contribute. This adaptability ensures that their philanthropy remains relevant and impactful, even as their family’s interests evolve.

Involving family in the process is another meaningful aspect of DAFs. By including future generations in their philanthropic decisions, Barb and Joe hope to instill a sense of responsibility and generosity in their children, ensuring that their legacy of giving endures. As Joe and Barb say to others, “If we can do it, you can do it too.”

Read about the Stolees’ journey of launching their own Donor Advised Fund (page 8 of the PDF)

The Charitus Difference: Partnering for Impact

For families like the Stolees, choosing the right partner is essential to realizing their philanthropic vision. Charitus provides the expertise, ethical stewardship, and personal support needed to manage these funds effectively. By offering tailored solutions, Charitus helps donors like Barb and Joe create a lasting impact on the causes that matter most to them.

Through Charitus, the Stolees can rest assured that their fund is being managed with the highest level of care and transparency. This partnership not only helps ensure that their contributions are making a real difference but also provides peace of mind, knowing that their philanthropic goals are in trusted hands.

Next Steps: Start Your Philanthropic Journey

The story of Barb and Joe Stolee demonstrates how impactful and meaningful charitable giving can be when aligned with personal values and guided by expert support. Their journey serves as an inspiration to others who may be considering how they can make a difference.

If you’re inspired by the Stolees’ story and would like to explore how a Donor Advised Fund can help you achieve your own philanthropic goals, Charitus is here to guide you every step of the way. Contact us today to start your journey toward creating a lasting impact through the art of philanthropy.