Fundraising Support

Encouraging and assisting you with your planned gifts to the church and fundraising campaigns

Charitus is proud to offer a number of resources to support and encourage philanthropy. Historically, Charitus has offered counsel and support for those looking to consider charitable giving as part of their estate planning. Be it bequests, gifts of securities, gifts or insurance or other estate or planning giving vehicles Charitus has the professional expertise to assist. These services delivered through our Charitus (LPG) effort are offered free-of-charge.


An independent organization, Charitus can also provide other resource development support such as fund development planning.

This is a free service for members of ELCIC congregations. We do not sell any products, receive commissions or other compensation from any commercial provider of products or services.

Your giving can come in several different ways and all of them can be designed to ensure they match your values

Types of Gift:


A bequest is a gift made through a donor’s last will and testament. The vast majority of planned gifts made to all charities in Canada come in the form of bequests.

Life insurance

A life insurance policy – either existing or a new plan purchased specifically for the purpose – may be used to make a charitable gift.  Donors can choose from two options: naming the church as beneficiary of the policy; or naming the church as owner and beneficiary.  These two options have different income tax consequences.

Retirement assets

A donor may name the church as the beneficiary of a Registered Retirement Income Plan (RRSP) or Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF).  Because of the special tax status of these plans, donors are urged to seek out detailed information from qualified professional advisors before making the decision to name the church as beneficiary of a registered plan.

Gift of securities
Special provisions in the Income Tax Act eliminate the income tax on capital gains when securities are transferred to a charity “In kind”. Charitus will accept such transfers for gifts contributed to an existing or new endowment fund. We will also act as a transfer agent, facilitating gifts to Lutheran churches and organizations that are not equipped to accept donations of securities.
Gift annuity
A gift annuity is the combination of a charitable gift with an insurance product that pays a guaranteed annual income for as long as the annuitant is living. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) issues the agreement because public foundations are not allowed by law to do so. The ELCIC uses an insurance broker to find highly-rated companies that offer the best annuity rates to donors. This gift is best suited to individuals and couples in their retirement years.
Gift in your Will

There are a great many reasons why more people choose to make a bequest than any other form of planned gift. It’s inexpensive, flexible and available to everyone.
Learn more about Leaving a Gift in Your Will by visiting our Planned Giving resources and FAQ.

Kathryn is available to answer your planned giving questions at our toll-free number 1-888-308-9461, via our contact form or in a face-to-face meeting.

Lutheran beneficiaries may be willing to accept other types of gifts, not listed above. For further information, please contact Charitus.

Charitus is your partner in enhancing your congregation’s impact and securing its future. We provide invaluable support by:

  • helping you introduce a comprehensive planned giving program to your ministry
  • empowering your members to make lasting contributions to the church
  • evaluating the merits of establishing a Congregational Mission Endowment Fund.
To take the first step toward strengthening your congregation and nurturing its mission, please reach out to Kathryn via our contact form to request our assistance in creating a customized planned giving program and workshop tailored to your congregation’s needs.
Step 3 Keep Informed

Planned Giving

Charitus (LPG) was established in 1997 by the Eastern Synod of the ELCIC to encourage and assist people to make planned gifts to the church in all its expressions. LPG became a program of Charitus (then Evangelical Lutheran Foundation of Eastern Canada – ELFEC) in 2008, but its mandate remains the same.

Gifts of Securities

To make a current donation of appreciated securities (stocks, bonds or units of mutual funds that are traded on a recognized exchange), view Charitus’ transfer form and follow instructions included.

Fundraising Planning

Crafting a Path to Success

At Charitus we have expertise in supporting churches and nonprofits with their Fundraising Planning needs. Our role is to assist you in identifying your objectives, gaining insights into your donor community and creating a customized plan. Our approach involves setting targets, establishing timelines and determining the necessary resources. This strategic planning guarantees that your organization is well prepared for fundraising efforts that are aligned with your mission and values. Allow us to be your trusted advisor as you establish a groundwork for successful fundraising endeavors.

Fundraising Planning

Fundraising Strategy

Strategize for Impact

Leverage our experience in developing Fundraising Strategies specifically tailored for churches and nonprofits. Our main focus revolves around implementing methods to engage donors and utilizing valuable insights derived from data analysis to achieve the highest possible outcomes. Our strategy formulation entails categorizing donors, devising communication plans and designing event strategies all aimed at adopting a successful approach. We collaborate with you not to secure financial contributions but also to establish enduring connections, with your supporters fostering a sense of continuous giving and active involvement.

Fundraising Strategy
Fundraising Strategy

Fundraising Strategy

Strategize for Impact

Leverage our experience in developing Fundraising Strategies specifically tailored for churches and nonprofits. Our main focus revolves around implementing methods to engage donors and utilizing valuable insights derived from data analysis to achieve the highest possible outcomes. Our strategy formulation entails categorizing donors, devising communication plans and designing event strategies all aimed at adopting a successful approach. We collaborate with you not to secure financial contributions but also to establish enduring connections, with your supporters fostering a sense of continuous giving and active involvement.

Fundraising Execution

Turning Plans into Action

Our expertise in Fundraising Execution ensures that your church or nonprofit’s fundraising efforts are not just well-planned but also effectively implemented. We provide hands-on support, from managing campaigns and events to overseeing donor communications and stewardship activities. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that every aspect of your fundraising campaign is executed with precision and professionalism, maximizing your fundraising potential and achieving tangible results. Let us help you bring your fundraising vision to life.

Fundraising Execution

News & Resources

A Will Writing Guide

A Will Writing Guide

Use this step by step guide to help with writing your Will with heart! Because a Will is more than...