Charitus’ Approach to Faith-Based Investing: Aligning Values with Financial Growth

Today, investing with a conscience is more important than ever. At Charitus, we understand that financial decisions are not just about generating returns but also about making a positive impact on society and the environment. Our faith-based investing approach is designed to align our clients’ investments with their ethical and moral values, ensuring that their financial growth contributes to the greater good.

Faith-Based, Ethical Investing

When you choose to invest with Charitus, you are engaging in faith-based, ethical investing that supports various initiatives across Canada. This approach not only meets the ‘prudent investor’ requirements for Canadian charitable organizations but also ensures that every investment aligns with our shared Christian values.

Our investment strategy is guided by three core principles:

  1. Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Considerations: We insist that all investment opportunities are evaluated based on ESG factors. This means our asset managers consider the environmental and social impact and governance practices of potential investments, ensuring that they contribute positively to society and the planet.
  2. Positive Screening: Our Investment Policy Statement (IPS) outlines a preference for investments that have a positive societal impact. For instance, we often select ‘green bonds’ and other investments that promote sustainability and social well-being.
  3. Negative Screening: To maintain our ethical standards, we restrict investments in industries and companies that produce products or services contrary to our values. This includes avoiding investments in gambling, tobacco, armaments, and pornography.

Active Ownership and Corporate Engagement

At Charitus, we believe in active ownership as a way to influence corporate behavior positively. Our approach includes:

  1. Proxy Voting: We work closely with our asset managers to exercise our voting rights on issues that align with our social goals, such as climate change, human rights, and executive compensation.
  2. Corporate Engagement: We participate in programs like those offered by the Shareholder Association for Research and Education (SHARE). Through SHARE, we engage with companies on behalf of our partners, advocating for policies that promote social justice and environmental sustainability.
  3. Impact Investing: We actively seek income-generating investments in non-profit organizations that produce social good. Our investments in solar energy, reducing energy and water consumption, Fair Trade, and supporting newcomers to gain Canadian accreditation are prime examples of our commitment to impact investing.

Case Studies: Impactful Investments

Charitus has a proven track record of impactful investments that exemplify our faith-based approach. Here are a few notable examples:

  • Indwell Community Homes: Indwell is a Christian charity that develops and operates supportive housing across Ontario. Our investment in Indwell helps provide affordable housing to vulnerable populations, including those experiencing chronic homelessness and mental health challenges. This partnership not only offers a reasonable return on investment but also aligns with our mission to provide hope and homes for all​​.
  • Raven Indigenous Capital Partners: As North America’s only Indigenous-led and owned impact investment firm, Raven Indigenous Capital Partners supports small and medium-sized Indigenous-owned businesses. Our investment in the Raven Indigenous Impact Fund exemplifies our commitment to reconciliation and supporting the Indigenous economy. Successful ventures like Cheekbone Beauty Canada, a sustainable cosmetics firm, highlight the positive social impact of our investments​​.
  • SolarShare and Windmill Microlending: Our investments in renewable energy and supporting newcomers to Canada showcase our dedication to environmental sustainability and social justice. SolarShare projects generate clean electricity, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, while Windmill Microlending provides low-interest loans to help skilled immigrants restart their careers in Canada​​.
    Beyond Investment: Supporting Communities

At Charitus, we go beyond delivering solid financial returns. We offer free fundraising support through programs like Lutheran Planned Giving (LPG) and support a robust grant-making program. Our comprehensive approach ensures that our investments not only grow financially but also contribute meaningfully to the communities we serve.

Charitus’ approach to faith-based investing is about more than just financial growth. It’s about aligning investments with our shared Christian values and making a positive impact on society and the environment. By choosing Charitus, you join a community of ethical investors committed to doing good in the world while achieving financial success. For more information on faith-based investing, connect with Charitus at​​.