ELFEC would not be the successful, growing, and innovative charity that it is without the support of partners, donors and other stakeholders.  With this in mind ELFEC is pleased to introduce its “Giving Circle” recognition program that is centered around “thanking” people in a way the charitable organization hopes balances recognition with a desire to maximize the usefulness and purpose of the donations and other investments that are provided to ELFEC.

“ELFEC truly cares about the people we service and work with.  In past years ELFEC has organized a recognition lunch event and delighted in the opportunity to invite donors and others to be thanked in a very personal way; but because of the global pandemic and public health concerns, ELFEC got creative and introduced a ‘giving circle’”, said Kathryn Smith, ELFEC’s Giving Advisor expert.

“My role often focuses around supporting the philanthropic goals of people through planned or legacy giving which enables charitably-minded individuals to make larger gifts to the church than they could make typically from ordinary income using estate planning and securities (stocks and bonds)” shared Kathryn. “ELFEC’s new Giving Circle recognizes planned giving donors and others” she added.

The ELFEC Giving Circle is part of a broader effort surrounding donor recognition and stewardship. The below image will be used to produce recognition lapel pins and with communications collateral.

“The Luther Rose imagery is foundational and recognizes ELFEC’s roots in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC). The stylized five (5) human silhouettes or petals represent the five (5) Synods within the ELCIC but also the human condition and the ‘people-focused’ work of ELFEC. The five stylized people (Synods) are supporting a stylized heart which is at the centre and represents, “faith”, “love” and “philanthropy” that is central to the charitable programs and services which ELFEC is delivering,” asserted Smith.