ELFEC Invests in Affordable Housing

ELFEC recently finalized our latest impact investment in Emmaus Place, an affordable housing project in Langley, BC. Located on property belonging to Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church (SVLC), Emmaus Place will provide 82 units of affordable housing in apartment and townhouse suites.

Rev. Kristen Steele, pastor at SVLC, said, “We’re very excited that ELFEC is investing with our project partners, Catalyst Community Developments, to help make our affordable housing project, Emmaus Place, possible.  This development of housing for seniors and families has been a vision this congregation has held for many years and we are excited to see it come to fruition. Thank you ELFEC for investing in the work of the church here in Langley.”

ELFEC’s board of directors chose to invest in Emmaus Place because it addresses the elimination of poverty in Canada, one of the foundation’s three impact investment priorities.   The investment will provide interest income to ELFEC partners while generating social benefits to the residents and the broader community of Langley.