The Question That Got Me Thinking

Several years ago, there was an ice-breaker question that was asked quite often – “What is your motto?” or, “What words do you live by?” I don’t know what I answered the first few times, but after having a chance to think about this, my answer was, “treat
others with kindness.” This has become one of the guiding principles of my life. Treating others with kindness can be expressed in so many ways – from a smile on the street,
holding a door, making a meal, to more involved commitments such as speaking out against inequalities, supporting food banks, and figuring out how to rebuild relationships. I want to be remembered as someone who cared and made a real effort
to take action about the impact my life would have on others.

Take a moment to consider your involvement in your church and broader community. I’m guessing you are someone who cares about making a meaningful contribution, too. Have you ever thought about how the good work you’ve already started can continue? How to amplify it so that you make a difference for the generations to come?

One way is through your estate planning, by leaving a gift, a bequest, through your Will, perhaps to support the on-going work of your congregation, the mission of the wider church, or another charity that you care about. If this is something you have ever considered, here are a few simple steps you can take to get started:

1. Identify your goals. What kind of difference do you want to make? You can visit our Will Power page to see how a gift in your Will could be used, and calculate your future impact after family is taken care of.

2. Talk to your family. A discussion around a shared legacy is a powerful way to bring loved ones together. It can become a bond-building exercise, a way to create lasting memories.

3. Speak to an expert. A financial advisor can help you realize the full potential of your future gift and the tax benefits involved. There are many local professional advisors, or get advice from the free Will Power estate planning webinar here.

Additionally, here are resources to support you in either speaking to your financial advisor, or having this conversation with your loved ones.

If on your journey, the discussion around legacy gets you thinking about how to make a lasting contribution to one or more of the charities you care about, please be in touch. I would love to talk and share with you how a gift in your Will can become a powerful and lasting tool for change.

Kathryn Smith, Giving Advisor 1-888-308-9460 x2

P.S. ELFEC can support your philanthropic goals. Feel free to contact me to discuss how you would like your gift to take shape. A Distribution Agreement can help you support several charities with ease. A Donor Advised Fund provides you with the option of supporting a charity over a longer period. We are a proud partner in Will Power, a national campaign inspiring Canadians to use the power of their Wills to change the world.